Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Press Release: I'm Ok

So I'm putting this here instead of Facebook. Last year I dated a guy from church for about 5-6 months. It was the first time either one of us had dated as a Christian serious about Christian boundaries.

It was the first dating relationship I had been in in 3 years, first for him in about 2 years. Y'all, I had been TERRIBLE at dating and picking guys before that, so I just quit.

Anyway. We broke up, basically because he had decided he didn't want to marry me. I was still trying to decide if I would want to marry him. BTW, he was 30, I was 27.

On Sunday, my now 31 year old ex and his 21 year old girlfriend announced their engagement. They have been dating about 4 months.

I have been getting calls, texts, emails, in person questions. How am I doing?

The answer : I'm ok. Can't lie, it stings a little to know that a year ago, he and I were dating. But when he and this girl, who is also from church, started dating, I had a feeling they would work out. And knowing him, I'm not too shocked that he did this. I honestly think they're good together.

So, surprised, yes. Surprising, not really. Is it ok if I think it's a little funny though? Just a little :) Anyway, I'm trying to figure out a way to convey this post to people in a way that accurately conveys my feelings of "Meh, it's alright."

Monday, June 29, 2009

35 Years!

My parents have been married for 35 years today.

Here's the wonderful couple on my front porch this past Christmas.

Thanks for being such awesome parents and examples of being married. Love you both more than you can know :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

On Vacation

So I don't have a job right now. I got laid off Jan 30th, 2009, and I've only recently begun half-heartedly looking for a job.

When I meet people and they ask what I do, I say I'm on vacation. This has been the best vacation ever. Partially because I have been saving for the whole time I was working and getting paid just in case I got laid off.

It's been glorious, I feel like I'm in high school again, only I can drink :)

For those of you fixing to get all het up, I am not collecting unemployment. I filed and then discovered I wasn't interested in doing the minimum job searching required to collect their money. So, I've been vacationing on my money :)

God has been ridiculously good to me, and I trust in Him for provision. The past couple of months have seen my walk with Him grow in leaps and bounds. He brought me the job I did before, and I have some ideas on what I'm going to do for money soon.

I'll bring those up later. Right now though, I finally have some ideas I'm excited about, like wake-up-at-430 am-and-write-them-down excited. I haven't had that since, ohhhhhh, I can't even remember the last time that happened that it wasn't connected to dating.

My other option for when people ask what I do for a living is to say Stunt Woman. I'm about 50-50 on who I tell that one to.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I Love Jesus But I Drink a Little

I saw the Ellen clip again the other day where Gladys from Austin, Texas utters the phrase I stole for my blog title. It still makes me laugh so hard, I want to be her when I get old (and she does bear more than a passing resemblance to certain family members).

Then I figure, why wait until I'm old to have all the fun?

That, and I hear Christians argue about drinking frequently. It's either an elephant in the room/chatroom or it's The Biggest Deal Ever.

People, I grew up Southern Baptist. As soon as I figure out how, the subhead of this blog will read Recovering Southern Baptist and whatever other clever thing I can think of.

Gotta say, I love Jesus and I love me some wine. And whiskey. Not really at the same time though. I don't drink to get drunk, stay in some good limits, blahblahblah whatever other explanations you need to hear to know I'm not an alcoholic or a crazy party girl.

Anyway, welcome to the blog, I hope that we all get together here often.